
Participative demokracy and active citizenship in preschool education
Institutional cooperation project between LMŠ Studánka a Småtjern Naturbarnehage a.s. Outdoor kindergarten Småtjern
The goal of this project is to find high quality methods and approaches that can be effectively implemented into a daily program in any preschool.
Emphasizing inner motivation, individual growth, democracy and freedom combined with responsibility for the world, for myself, my desicions and actions taken.
We aim to develop an educational approach that will provide the resources for teachers/educators/parents necessary for children to actively participate in society from an early age.
The world is changing rapidly, and education have to change with it!
Where we are right now?
At this stage of the project we are collecting and examining data from various preschool institutions in the Czech Republic, Norway and further worldwide.
Specifically, we collect information about different approaches on how democracy and active citizenship are implemented into curriculums, what are the practices in daily programs, methods used?
The examination might bring deeper look into the realities of where the kindergartens are in these topics. Do they bring the desired qualities that democratic space requires?
Studying from resources donor partners offer from their experiences on these topics - resources from Norway, professional literature.
Studanka needs to deepen the knowledge to broaden their view on these topics. We are also having continual regular online project meetings with for exchanging the practices, findings, reflections and discussions. A few seminars - to promote externally the project´s objectives and to create a network with representatives of preschool institutions have-been held.
Would you like to join us?
We would be very happy if you share with us your thoughts, opinions, exepriences in these topics. We have a 10 minutes questionnaire to fill in.
The link in English:
The link in Norwegian:
Or contact directly at the project´s disscussion forum
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facebook Småtjern Naturbarnehage
Základní informace o Småtjern Naturbarnehage a.s.Outdoor kindergarten
Spolupráce s LMŠ Studánka v projektech: institucionální spolupráce, mobility.
Adresa: Kjørkevegen 43, 2730 Lunner, Norsko
Otevřeno: pondělí až pátek 7:30 - 16:30
Vedoucí osoba: Jørgen Kjørven
(Překlad Google)
Máme krásné přírodní oblasti a příjemné vnitřní prostory; 3 min. z Grua, 10 min. od Lunnera. Klíčová slova pro operaci: sociální kompetence, zvládání konfliktů, participace, zázrak a filozofie. Příroda a noční život jsou důležitou součástí každodenního života. Naši školku musíte vidět - přijďte na návštěvu. V našem ročním plánu (pdf) si můžete přečíst více o tom, co děláme.